Source code for src.evaluation_metric

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from itertools import combinations
from src.utils.config import cfg

[docs]def pck(x: Tensor, x_gt: Tensor, perm_mat: Tensor, dist_threshs: Tensor, ns: Tensor) -> Tensor: r""" Percentage of Correct Keypoints (PCK) evaluation metric. If the distance between predicted keypoint and the ground truth keypoint is smaller than a given threshold, than it is regraded as a correct matching. This is the evaluation metric used by `"Zanfir et al. Deep Learning of Graph Matching. CVPR 2018." <>`_ :param x: :math:`(b\times n \times 2)` candidate coordinates. :math:`n`: number of nodes in input graph :param x_gt: :math:`(b\times n_{gt} \times 2)` ground truth coordinates. :math:`n_{gt}`: number of nodes in ground truth graph :param perm_mat: :math:`(b\times n \times n_{gt})` permutation matrix or doubly-stochastic matrix indicating node-to-node correspondence :param dist_threshs: :math:`(b\times m)` a tensor contains thresholds in pixel. :math:`m`: number of thresholds for each batch :param ns: :math:`(b)` number of exact pairs. We support batched instances with different number of nodes, and ``ns`` is required to specify the exact number of nodes of each instance in the batch. :return: :math:`(m)` the PCK values of this batch .. note:: An example of ``dist_threshs`` for 4 batches and 2 thresholds: :: [[10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20], [10, 20]] """ device = x.device batch_num = x.shape[0] thresh_num = dist_threshs.shape[1] indices = torch.argmax(perm_mat, dim=-1) dist = torch.zeros(batch_num, x_gt.shape[1], device=device) for b in range(batch_num): x_correspond = x[b, indices[b], :] dist[b, 0:ns[b]] = torch.norm(x_correspond - x_gt[b], p=2, dim=-1)[0:ns[b]] match_num = torch.zeros(thresh_num, device=device) total_num = torch.zeros(thresh_num, device=device) for b in range(batch_num): for idx in range(thresh_num): matches = (dist[b] < dist_threshs[b, idx])[0:ns[b]] match_num[idx] += torch.sum(matches).to(match_num.dtype) total_num[idx] += ns[b].to(total_num.dtype) return match_num / total_num
[docs]def matching_recall(pmat_pred: Tensor, pmat_gt: Tensor, ns: Tensor) -> Tensor: r""" Matching Recall between predicted permutation matrix and ground truth permutation matrix. .. math:: \text{matching recall} = \frac{tr(\mathbf{X}\cdot {\mathbf{X}^{gt}}^\top)}{\sum \mathbf{X}^{gt}} :param pmat_pred: :math:`(b\times n_1 \times n_2)` predicted permutation matrix :math:`(\mathbf{X})` :param pmat_gt: :math:`(b\times n_1 \times n_2)` ground truth permutation matrix :math:`(\mathbf{X}^{gt})` :param ns: :math:`(b)` number of exact pairs. We support batched instances with different number of nodes, and ``ns`` is required to specify the exact number of nodes of each instance in the batch. :return: :math:`(b)` matching recall .. note:: This function is equivalent to "matching accuracy" if the matching problem has no outliers. """ device = pmat_pred.device batch_num = pmat_pred.shape[0] pmat_gt = assert torch.all((pmat_pred == 0) + (pmat_pred == 1)), 'pmat_pred can only contain 0/1 elements.' assert torch.all((pmat_gt == 0) + (pmat_gt == 1)), 'pmat_gt should only contain 0/1 elements.' assert torch.all(torch.sum(pmat_pred, dim=-1) <= 1) and torch.all(torch.sum(pmat_pred, dim=-2) <= 1) assert torch.all(torch.sum(pmat_gt, dim=-1) <= 1) and torch.all(torch.sum(pmat_gt, dim=-2) <= 1) acc = torch.zeros(batch_num, device=device) for b in range(batch_num): acc[b] = torch.sum(pmat_pred[b, :ns[b]] * pmat_gt[b, :ns[b]]) / torch.sum(pmat_gt[b, :ns[b]]) acc[torch.isnan(acc)] = 1 return acc
[docs]def matching_precision(pmat_pred: Tensor, pmat_gt: Tensor, ns: Tensor) -> Tensor: r""" Matching Precision between predicted permutation matrix and ground truth permutation matrix. .. math:: \text{matching precision} = \frac{tr(\mathbf{X}\cdot {\mathbf{X}^{gt}}^\top)}{\sum \mathbf{X}} :param pmat_pred: :math:`(b\times n_1 \times n_2)` predicted permutation matrix :math:`(\mathbf{X})` :param pmat_gt: :math:`(b\times n_1 \times n_2)` ground truth permutation matrix :math:`(\mathbf{X}^{gt})` :param ns: :math:`(b)` number of exact pairs. We support batched instances with different number of nodes, and ``ns`` is required to specify the exact number of nodes of each instance in the batch. :return: :math:`(b)` matching precision .. note:: This function is equivalent to "matching accuracy" if the matching problem has no outliers. """ device = pmat_pred.device batch_num = pmat_pred.shape[0] pmat_gt = assert torch.all((pmat_pred == 0) + (pmat_pred == 1)), 'pmat_pred can only contain 0/1 elements.' assert torch.all((pmat_gt == 0) + (pmat_gt == 1)), 'pmat_gt should only contain 0/1 elements.' assert torch.all(torch.sum(pmat_pred, dim=-1) <= 1) and torch.all(torch.sum(pmat_pred, dim=-2) <= 1) assert torch.all(torch.sum(pmat_gt, dim=-1) <= 1) and torch.all(torch.sum(pmat_gt, dim=-2) <= 1) precision = torch.zeros(batch_num, device=device) for b in range(batch_num): precision[b] = torch.sum(pmat_pred[b, :ns[b]] * pmat_gt[b, :ns[b]]) / torch.sum(pmat_pred[b, :ns[b]]) precision[torch.isnan(precision)] = 1 return precision
[docs]def matching_recall_varied(pmat_pred: Tensor, pmat_gt: Tensor, ns: Tensor) -> Tensor: r""" Matching Recall between predicted permutation matrix and ground truth permutation matrix. .. math:: \text{matching recall} = \frac{tr(\mathbf{X}\cdot {\mathbf{X}^{gt}}^\top)}{\sum \mathbf{X}^{gt}} :param pmat_pred: :math:`(b\times n_1 \times n_2)` predicted permutation matrix :math:`(\mathbf{X})` :param pmat_gt: :math:`(b\times n_1 \times n_2)` ground truth permutation matrix :math:`(\mathbf{X}^{gt})` :param ns: :math:`(b\times 2)` number of nodes in all pairs. We support batched instances with different number of nodes, and ``ns`` is required to specify the exact number of nodes of each instance in the batch. :return: :math:`(b)` matching recall """ device = pmat_pred.device batch_num = pmat_pred.shape[0] pmat_gt = assert torch.all((pmat_pred == 0) + (pmat_pred == 1)), 'pmat_pred can only contain 0/1 elements.' assert torch.all((pmat_gt == 0) + (pmat_gt == 1)), 'pmat_gt should only contain 0/1 elements.' acc = torch.zeros(batch_num, device=device) for b in range(batch_num): mask = torch.zeros((pmat_pred[b].shape[0],pmat_gt[b].shape[1]),device=pmat_pred.device) mask[:ns[0][b]+1,:ns[1][b]+1]=1 mask[ns[0][b], ns[1][b]]=0 acc[b] = torch.sum(pmat_pred[b] * pmat_gt[b] * mask) / torch.sum(pmat_gt[b] * mask) # acc[b] = torch.sum(pmat_pred[b, :ns[0][b], :ns[1][b]] * pmat_gt[b, :ns[0][b], :ns[1][b]]) / torch.sum( # pmat_gt[b, :ns[0][b], :ns[1][b]]) acc[torch.isnan(acc)] = 0 return acc
[docs]def matching_precision_varied(pmat_pred: Tensor, pmat_gt: Tensor, ns: Tensor) -> Tensor: r""" Matching Precision between predicted permutation matrix and ground truth permutation matrix. .. math:: \text{matching precision} = \frac{tr(\mathbf{X}\cdot {\mathbf{X}^{gt}}^\top)}{\sum \mathbf{X}} :param pmat_pred: :math:`(b\times n_1 \times n_2)` predicted permutation matrix :math:`(\mathbf{X})` :param pmat_gt: :math:`(b\times n_1 \times n_2)` ground truth permutation matrix :math:`(\mathbf{X}^{gt})` :param ns: :math:`(b\times 2)` number of nodes in all pairs. We support batched instances with different number of nodes, and ``ns`` is required to specify the exact number of nodes of each instance in the batch. :return: :math:`(b)` matching precision """ device = pmat_pred.device batch_num = pmat_pred.shape[0] pmat_gt = assert torch.all((pmat_pred == 0) + (pmat_pred == 1)), 'pmat_pred can only contain 0/1 elements.' assert torch.all((pmat_gt == 0) + (pmat_gt == 1)), 'pmat_gt should only contain 0/1 elements.' precision = torch.zeros(batch_num, device=device) for b in range(batch_num): mask = torch.zeros((pmat_pred[b].shape[0],pmat_gt[b].shape[1]),device=pmat_pred.device) mask[:ns[0][b]+1,:ns[1][b]+1]=1 mask[ns[0][b], ns[1][b]]=0 precision[b] = torch.sum(pmat_pred[b] * pmat_gt[b] * mask) / torch.sum(pmat_pred[b] * mask) # precision[b] = torch.sum(pmat_pred[b, :ns[0][b]+1, :ns[1][b]+1] * # pmat_gt[b, :ns[0][b]+1, :ns[1][b]+1]) / torch.sum(pmat_pred[b, :ns[0][b]+1, :ns[1][b]+1]) precision[torch.isnan(precision)] = 0 return precision
[docs]def matching_accuracy(pmat_pred: Tensor, pmat_gt: Tensor, ns: Tensor, idx: int) -> Tensor: r""" Matching Accuracy between predicted permutation matrix and ground truth permutation matrix. .. math:: \text{matching recall} = \frac{tr(\mathbf{X}\cdot {\mathbf{X}^{gt}}^\top)}{\sum \mathbf{X}^{gt}} This function is a wrapper of ``matching_recall``. :param pmat_pred: :math:`(b\times n_1 \times n_2)` predicted permutation matrix :math:`(\mathbf{X})` :param pmat_gt: :math:`(b\times n_1 \times n_2)` ground truth permutation matrix :math:`(\mathbf{X}^{gt})` :param ns: :math:`(b\times g)` number of nodes in graphs, where :math:`g=2` for 2GM, and :math:`g>2` for MGM. We support batched instances with different number of nodes, and ``ns`` is required to specify the exact number of nodes of each instance in the batch. :param idx: :math:`(int)` index of source graph in the graph pair. :return: :math:`(b)` matching accuracy .. note:: If the graph matching problem has no outliers, it is proper to use this metric and papers call it "matching accuracy". If there are outliers, it is better to use ``matching_precision`` and ``matching_recall``. """ if 'gcan' in cfg.MODEL_NAME and 'afat' not in cfg.MODEL_NAME: return matching_recall_varied(pmat_pred, pmat_gt, ns) else: return matching_recall(pmat_pred, pmat_gt, ns[idx])
[docs]def format_accuracy_metric(ps: Tensor, rs: Tensor, f1s: Tensor) -> str: r""" Helper function for formatting precision, recall and f1 score metric :param ps: tensor containing precisions :param rs: tensor containing recalls :param f1s: tensor containing f1 scores :return: a formatted string with mean and variance of precision, recall and f1 score Example output: :: p = 0.7837±0.2799, r = 0.7837±0.2799, f1 = 0.7837±0.2799 """ return 'p = {:.4f}±{:.4f}, r = {:.4f}±{:.4f}, f1 = {:.4f}±{:.4f}' \ .format(torch.mean(ps), torch.std(ps), torch.mean(rs), torch.std(rs), torch.mean(f1s), torch.std(f1s))
[docs]def format_metric(ms: Tensor) -> str: r""" Helping function for formatting single metric. :param ms: tensor containing metric :return: a formatted string containing mean and variance """ return '{:.4f}±{:.4f}'.format(torch.mean(ms), torch.std(ms))
[docs]def objective_score(pmat_pred: Tensor, affmtx: Tensor) -> Tensor: r""" Objective score given predicted permutation matrix and affinity matrix from the problem. .. math:: \text{objective score} = \mathrm{vec}(\mathbf{X})^\top \mathbf{K} \mathrm{vec}(\mathbf{X}) where :math:`\mathrm{vec}(\cdot)` means column-wise vectorization. :param pmat_pred: predicted permutation matrix :math:`(\mathbf{X})` :param affmtx: affinity matrix of the quadratic assignment problem :math:`(\mathbf{K})` :return: objective scores .. note:: The most general mathematical form of graph matching is known as Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP), which is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. Objective score reflects the power of the graph matching/QAP solver concerning the objective score of the QAP. """ batch_num = pmat_pred.shape[0] p_vec = pmat_pred.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(batch_num, -1, 1) obj_score = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(p_vec.transpose(1, 2), affmtx), p_vec).view(-1) return obj_score
[docs]def clustering_accuracy(pred_clusters: Tensor, gt_classes: Tensor) -> Tensor: r""" Clustering accuracy for clusters. :math:`\mathcal{A}, \mathcal{B}, ...` are ground truth classes and :math:`\mathcal{A}^\prime, \mathcal{B}^\prime, ...` are predicted classes and :math:`k` is the number of classes: .. math:: \text{clustering accuracy} = 1 - \frac{1}{k} \left(\sum_{\mathcal{A}} \sum_{\mathcal{A}^\prime \neq \mathcal{B}^\prime} \frac{|\mathcal{A}^\prime \cap \mathcal{A}| |\mathcal{B}^\prime \cap \mathcal{A}|}{|\mathcal{A}| |\mathcal{A}|} + \sum_{\mathcal{A}^\prime} \sum_{\mathcal{A} \neq \mathcal{B}} \frac{|\mathcal{A}^\prime \cap \mathcal{A}| |\mathcal{A}^\prime \cap \mathcal{B}|}{|\mathcal{A}| |\mathcal{B}|} \right) This metric is proposed by `"Wang et al. Clustering-aware Multiple Graph Matching via Decayed Pairwise Matching Composition. AAAI 2020." <>`_ :param pred_clusters: :math:`(b\times n)` predicted clusters. :math:`n`: number of instances. :: e.g. [[0,0,1,2,1,2] [0,1,2,2,1,0]] :param gt_classes: :math:`(b\times n)` ground truth classes :: e.g. [['car','car','bike','bike','person','person'], ['bus','bus','cat', 'sofa', 'cat', 'sofa' ]] :return: :math:`(b)` clustering accuracy """ num_clusters = torch.max(pred_clusters, dim=-1).values + 1 batch_num = pred_clusters.shape[0] gt_classes_t = [] for b in range(batch_num): gt_classes_b_set = list(set(gt_classes[b])) gt_classes_t.append([]) assert len(gt_classes_b_set) == num_clusters[b] for i in range(len(gt_classes[b])): gt_classes_t[b].append(gt_classes_b_set.index(gt_classes[b][i])) gt_clusters = torch.tensor(gt_classes_t).to(dtype=pred_clusters.dtype, device=pred_clusters.device) cluster_acc = torch.zeros(batch_num, device=pred_clusters.device) for b in range(batch_num): sum = 0 for i in range(num_clusters[b]): for j, k in combinations(range(num_clusters[b]), 2): pred_i = (pred_clusters[b] == i).to(dtype=torch.float) gt_j = (gt_clusters[b] == j).to(dtype=torch.float) gt_k = (gt_clusters[b] == k).to(dtype=torch.float) sum += (torch.sum(pred_i * gt_j) * torch.sum(pred_i * gt_k)) / torch.sum(pred_i) ** 2 for i in range(num_clusters[b]): for j, k in combinations(range(num_clusters[b]), 2): gt_i = (gt_clusters[b] == i).to(dtype=torch.float) pred_j = (pred_clusters[b] == j).to(dtype=torch.float) pred_k = (pred_clusters[b] == k).to(dtype=torch.float) sum += (torch.sum(gt_i * pred_j) * torch.sum(gt_i * pred_k)) / (torch.sum(pred_j) * torch.sum(pred_k)) cluster_acc[b] = 1 - sum / num_clusters[b].to(dtype=torch.float) return cluster_acc
[docs]def clustering_purity(pred_clusters: Tensor, gt_classes: Tensor) -> Tensor: r""" Clustering purity for clusters. :math:`n` is the number of instances, :math:`\mathcal{C}_i` represent the predicted class :math:`i` and :math:`\mathcal{C}^{gt}_j` is ground truth class :math:`j`: .. math:: \text{clustering purity} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{k} \max_{j\in\{1,...,k\}} |\mathcal{C}_i \cap \mathcal{C}^{gt}_{j}| :param pred_clusters: :math:`(b\times n)` predicted clusters. :math:`n`: number of instances. :: e.g. [[0,0,1,2,1,2] [0,1,2,2,1,0]] :param gt_classes: :math:`(b\times n)` ground truth classes :: e.g. [['car','car','bike','bike','person','person'], ['bus','bus','cat', 'sofa', 'cat', 'sofa' ]] :return: :math:`(b)` clustering purity """ num_clusters = torch.max(pred_clusters, dim=-1).values + 1 num_instances = pred_clusters.shape[1] batch_num = pred_clusters.shape[0] gt_classes_t = [] for b in range(batch_num): gt_classes_b_set = list(set(gt_classes[b])) gt_classes_t.append([]) assert len(gt_classes_b_set) == num_clusters[b] for i in range(len(gt_classes[b])): gt_classes_t[b].append(gt_classes_b_set.index(gt_classes[b][i])) gt_clusters = torch.tensor(gt_classes_t).to(dtype=pred_clusters.dtype, device=pred_clusters.device) cluster_purity = torch.zeros(batch_num, device=pred_clusters.device) for b in range(batch_num): for i in range(num_clusters[b]): max_counts = torch.max(torch.unique(gt_clusters[b][pred_clusters[b] == i], return_counts=True)[-1]).to(dtype=torch.float) cluster_purity[b] += max_counts / num_instances return cluster_purity
[docs]def rand_index(pred_clusters: Tensor, gt_classes: Tensor) -> Tensor: r""" Rand index measurement for clusters. Rand index is computed by the number of instances predicted in the same class with the same label :math:`n_{11}` and the number of instances predicted in separate classes and with different labels :math:`n_{00}`, normalized by the total number of instances pairs :math:`n(n-1)`: .. math:: \text{rand index} = \frac{n_{11} + n_{00}}{n(n-1)} :param pred_clusters: :math:`(b\times n)` predicted clusters. :math:`n`: number of instances. :: e.g. [[0,0,1,2,1,2] [0,1,2,2,1,0]] :param gt_classes: :math:`(b\times n)` ground truth classes :: e.g. [['car','car','bike','bike','person','person'], ['bus','bus','cat', 'sofa', 'cat', 'sofa' ]] :return: :math:`(b)` clustering purity """ num_clusters = torch.max(pred_clusters, dim=-1).values + 1 num_instances = pred_clusters.shape[1] batch_num = pred_clusters.shape[0] gt_classes_t = [] for b in range(batch_num): gt_classes_b_set = list(set(gt_classes[b])) gt_classes_t.append([]) assert len(gt_classes_b_set) == num_clusters[b] for i in range(len(gt_classes[b])): gt_classes_t[b].append(gt_classes_b_set.index(gt_classes[b][i])) gt_clusters = torch.tensor(gt_classes_t).to(dtype=pred_clusters.dtype, device=pred_clusters.device) pred_pairs = pred_clusters.unsqueeze(-1) == pred_clusters.unsqueeze(-2) gt_pairs = gt_clusters.unsqueeze(-1) == gt_clusters.unsqueeze(-2) unmatched_pairs = torch.logical_xor(pred_pairs, gt_pairs).to(dtype=torch.float) rand_index = 1 - torch.sum(unmatched_pairs, dim=(-1,-2)) / (num_instances * (num_instances - 1)) return rand_index