Source code for src.dataset.data_loader

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from import Dataset
from torchvision import transforms
import torch_geometric as pyg
import numpy as np
import random
from src.build_graphs import build_graphs
from src.factorize_graph_matching import kronecker_sparse, kronecker_torch
from src.sparse_torch import CSRMatrix3d, CSCMatrix3d
from src.dataset import *

from src.utils.config import cfg

from itertools import combinations, product

[docs]class GMDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, name, bm, length, using_all_graphs=False, cls=None, problem='2GM'): = name = bm self.using_all_graphs = using_all_graphs self.obj_size = self.test = True if == 'test' else False self.cls = None if cls in ['none', 'all'] else cls if self.cls is None: if problem == 'MGM3': self.classes = list(combinations(, cfg.PROBLEM.NUM_CLUSTERS)) else: self.classes = else: self.classes = [self.cls] self.problem_type = problem if problem != 'MGM3': self.img_num_list = else: self.img_num_list =[0]) if self.problem_type == '2GM': self.id_combination, self.length = self.length_list = [] for cls in self.classes: cls_length = self.length_list.append(cls_length) else: self.length = length def __len__(self): return self.length def __getitem__(self, idx): if self.problem_type == '2GM': return self.get_pair(idx, self.cls) elif self.problem_type == 'MGM': return self.get_multi(idx, self.cls) elif self.problem_type == 'MGM3': return self.get_multi_cluster(idx) else: raise NameError("Unknown problem type: {}".format(self.problem_type))
[docs] @staticmethod def to_pyg_graph(A, P): rescale = max(cfg.PROBLEM.RESCALE) edge_feat = 0.5 * (np.expand_dims(P, axis=1) - np.expand_dims(P, axis=0)) / rescale + 0.5 # from Rolink's paper edge_index = np.nonzero(A) edge_attr = edge_feat[edge_index] edge_attr = np.clip(edge_attr, 0, 1) assert (edge_attr > -1e-5).all(), P o3_A = np.expand_dims(A, axis=0) * np.expand_dims(A, axis=1) * np.expand_dims(A, axis=2) hyperedge_index = np.nonzero(o3_A) pyg_graph = x=torch.tensor(P / rescale).to(torch.float32), edge_index=torch.tensor(np.array(edge_index), dtype=torch.long), edge_attr=torch.tensor(edge_attr).to(torch.float32), hyperedge_index=torch.tensor(np.array(hyperedge_index), dtype=torch.long), ) return pyg_graph
[docs] def get_pair(self, idx, cls): #anno_pair, perm_mat = if self.cls is not None else # (idx % (cfg.BATCH_SIZE * len(self.classes))) // cfg.BATCH_SIZE) cls_num = random.randrange(0, len(self.classes)) ids = list(self.id_combination[cls_num][idx % self.length_list[cls_num]]) anno_pair, perm_mat_, id_list = perm_mat = perm_mat_[(0, 1)].toarray() while min(perm_mat.shape[0], perm_mat.shape[1]) <= 2 or perm_mat.size >= cfg.PROBLEM.MAX_PROB_SIZE > 0 or perm_mat.sum() == 0: anno_pair, perm_mat_, id_list = perm_mat = perm_mat_[(0, 1)].toarray() if cfg.MODEL_NAME == 'vgg16_gcan_varied': perm_mat_dummy = np.zeros([perm_mat.shape[0] + 1, perm_mat.shape[1] + 1], dtype=np.float32) perm_mat_dummy[0: perm_mat.shape[0], 0: perm_mat.shape[1]] = perm_mat perm_mat_dummy[-1, perm_mat_dummy.sum(axis=0) == 0] = 1 perm_mat_dummy[perm_mat_dummy.sum(axis=1) == 0, -1] = 1 perm_mat = perm_mat_dummy cls = [anno['cls'] for anno in anno_pair] P1 = [(kp['x'], kp['y']) for kp in anno_pair[0]['kpts']] P2 = [(kp['x'], kp['y']) for kp in anno_pair[1]['kpts']] n1, n2 = len(P1), len(P2) univ_size = [anno['univ_size'] for anno in anno_pair] P1 = np.array(P1) P2 = np.array(P2) A1, G1, H1, e1 = build_graphs(P1, n1, stg=cfg.GRAPH.SRC_GRAPH_CONSTRUCT, sym=cfg.GRAPH.SYM_ADJACENCY) if cfg.GRAPH.TGT_GRAPH_CONSTRUCT == 'same': G2 = perm_mat.transpose().dot(G1) H2 = perm_mat.transpose().dot(H1) A2 = e2 = e1 else: A2, G2, H2, e2 = build_graphs(P2, n2, stg=cfg.GRAPH.TGT_GRAPH_CONSTRUCT, sym=cfg.GRAPH.SYM_ADJACENCY) pyg_graph1 = self.to_pyg_graph(A1, P1) pyg_graph2 = self.to_pyg_graph(A2, P2) ret_dict = {'Ps': [torch.Tensor(x) for x in [P1, P2]], 'ns': [torch.tensor(x) for x in [n1, n2]], 'es': [torch.tensor(x) for x in [e1, e2]], 'gt_perm_mat': perm_mat, 'Gs': [torch.Tensor(x) for x in [G1, G2]], 'Hs': [torch.Tensor(x) for x in [H1, H2]], 'As': [torch.Tensor(x) for x in [A1, A2]], 'pyg_graphs': [pyg_graph1, pyg_graph2], 'cls': [str(x) for x in cls], 'id_list': id_list, 'univ_size': [torch.tensor(int(x)) for x in univ_size], } imgs = [anno['img'] for anno in anno_pair] if imgs[0] is not None: trans = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(cfg.NORM_MEANS, cfg.NORM_STD) ]) imgs = [trans(img) for img in imgs] ret_dict['images'] = imgs elif 'feat' in anno_pair[0]['kpts'][0]: feat1 = np.stack([kp['feat'] for kp in anno_pair[0]['kpts']], axis=-1) feat2 = np.stack([kp['feat'] for kp in anno_pair[1]['kpts']], axis=-1) ret_dict['features'] = [torch.Tensor(x) for x in [feat1, feat2]] return ret_dict
[docs] def get_multi(self, idx, cls): if self.problem_type == 'MGM' and self.using_all_graphs: if cls == None: cls = random.randrange(0, len(self.classes)) num_graphs = self.img_num_list[cls] cls = self.classes[cls] elif type(cls) == str: cls_num = self.classes.index(cls) num_graphs = self.img_num_list[cls_num] else: num_graphs = self.img_num_list[cls] cls = self.classes[cls] elif self.problem_type == 'MGM3' and self.using_all_graphs: if cls == None: cls = random.randrange(0, len(self.classes[0])) num_graphs = self.img_num_list[cls] cls = self.classes[cls] elif type(cls) == str: cls_num = self.classes[0].index(cls) num_graphs = self.img_num_list[cls_num] else: num_graphs = self.img_num_list[cls] cls = self.classes[cls] else: num_graphs = cfg.PROBLEM.NUM_GRAPHS refetch = True while refetch: refetch = False anno_list, perm_mat_dict, id_list =, num=num_graphs) perm_mat_dict = {key: val.toarray() for key, val in perm_mat_dict.items()} for pm in perm_mat_dict.values(): if pm.shape[0] <= 2 or pm.shape[1] <= 2 or pm.size >= cfg.PROBLEM.MAX_PROB_SIZE > 0 or pm.sum() == 0: refetch = True break cls = [anno['cls'] for anno in anno_list] Ps = [[(kp['x'], kp['y']) for kp in anno_dict['kpts']] for anno_dict in anno_list] ns = [len(P) for P in Ps] univ_size = [anno['univ_size'] for anno in anno_list] Ps = [np.array(P) for P in Ps] As = [] Gs = [] Hs = [] As_tgt = [] Gs_tgt = [] Hs_tgt = [] for P, n in zip(Ps, ns): # In multi-graph matching (MGM), when a graph is regarded as target graph, its topology may be different # from when it is regarded as source graph. These are represented by suffix "tgt". A, G, H, _ = build_graphs(P, n, stg=cfg.GRAPH.SRC_GRAPH_CONSTRUCT) A_tgt, G_tgt, H_tgt, _ = build_graphs(P, n, stg=cfg.GRAPH.TGT_GRAPH_CONSTRUCT) As.append(A) Gs.append(G) Hs.append(H) As_tgt.append(A_tgt) Gs_tgt.append(G_tgt) Hs_tgt.append(H_tgt) pyg_graphs = [self.to_pyg_graph(A, P) for A, P in zip(As, Ps)] pyg_graphs_tgt = [self.to_pyg_graph(A, P) for A, P in zip(As_tgt, Ps)] ret_dict = { 'Ps': [torch.Tensor(x) for x in Ps], 'ns': [torch.tensor(x) for x in ns], 'gt_perm_mat': perm_mat_dict, 'Gs': [torch.Tensor(x) for x in Gs], 'Hs': [torch.Tensor(x) for x in Hs], 'As': [torch.Tensor(x) for x in As], 'Gs_tgt': [torch.Tensor(x) for x in Gs_tgt], 'Hs_tgt': [torch.Tensor(x) for x in Hs_tgt], 'As_tgt': [torch.Tensor(x) for x in As_tgt], 'pyg_graphs': pyg_graphs, 'pyg_graphs_tgt': pyg_graphs_tgt, 'cls': [str(x) for x in cls], 'id_list': id_list, 'univ_size': [torch.tensor(int(x)) for x in univ_size], } imgs = [anno['img'] for anno in anno_list] if imgs[0] is not None: trans = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(cfg.NORM_MEANS, cfg.NORM_STD) ]) imgs = [trans(img) for img in imgs] ret_dict['images'] = imgs elif 'feat' in anno_list[0]['kpts'][0]: feats = [np.stack([kp['feat'] for kp in anno_dict['kpts']], axis=-1) for anno_dict in anno_list] ret_dict['features'] = [torch.Tensor(x) for x in feats] return ret_dict
[docs] def get_multi_cluster(self, idx): dicts = [] if self.cls is None or self.cls == 'none': cls_iterator = random.choice(self.classes) else: if (self.test and cfg.EVAL.RAND_CLASS) or (not self.test and cfg.TRAIN.RAND_CLASS): cls_iterator = random.sample(, cfg.PROBLEM.NUM_CLUSTERS) else: cls_iterator = self.cls for cls in cls_iterator: dicts.append(self.get_multi(idx, cls)) ret_dict = {} for key in dicts[0]: if key != 'gt_perm_mat': ret_dict[key] = [] for dic in dicts: ret_dict[key] += dic[key] else: ret_dict[key] = {} for i, dic in enumerate(dicts): for (idx1, idx2) in dic[key].keys(): new_idx1 = idx1 + i * cfg.PROBLEM.NUM_GRAPHS new_idx2 = idx2 + i * cfg.PROBLEM.NUM_GRAPHS ret_dict[key][(new_idx1, new_idx2)] = dic[key][(idx1, idx2)] return ret_dict
[docs]class QAPDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, name, length, cls=None, **args): = name self.ds = eval(**args, cls=cls) self.classes = self.ds.classes self.cls = None if cls == 'none' else cls self.length = length def __len__(self): #return len(self.ds.data_list) return self.length def __getitem__(self, idx): Fi, Fj, perm_mat, sol, name = self.ds.get_pair(idx % len(self.ds.data_list)) if perm_mat.size <= 2 * 2 or perm_mat.size >= cfg.PROBLEM.MAX_PROB_SIZE > 0: return self.__getitem__(random.randint(0, len(self) - 1)) #if np.max(ori_aff_mat) > 0: # norm_aff_mat = ori_aff_mat / np.mean(ori_aff_mat) #else: # norm_aff_mat = ori_aff_mat ret_dict = {'Fi': Fi, 'Fj': Fj, 'gt_perm_mat': perm_mat, 'ns': [torch.tensor(x) for x in perm_mat.shape], 'solution': torch.tensor(sol), 'name': name, 'univ_size': [torch.tensor(x) for x in perm_mat.shape],} return ret_dict
[docs]def collate_fn(data: list): """ Create mini-batch data for training. :param data: data dict :return: mini-batch """ def pad_tensor(inp): assert type(inp[0]) == torch.Tensor it = iter(inp) t = next(it) max_shape = list(t.shape) while True: try: t = next(it) for i in range(len(max_shape)): max_shape[i] = int(max(max_shape[i], t.shape[i])) except StopIteration: break max_shape = np.array(max_shape) padded_ts = [] for t in inp: pad_pattern = np.zeros(2 * len(max_shape), dtype=np.int64) pad_pattern[::-2] = max_shape - np.array(t.shape) #pad_pattern = torch.from_numpy(np.asfortranarray(pad_pattern)) pad_pattern = tuple(pad_pattern.tolist()) padded_ts.append(F.pad(t, pad_pattern, 'constant', 0)) return padded_ts def stack(inp): if type(inp[0]) == list: ret = [] for vs in zip(*inp): ret.append(stack(vs)) elif type(inp[0]) == dict: ret = {} for kvs in zip(*[x.items() for x in inp]): ks, vs = zip(*kvs) for k in ks: assert k == ks[0], "Keys mismatch." ret[k] = stack(vs) elif type(inp[0]) == torch.Tensor: new_t = pad_tensor(inp) ret = torch.stack(new_t, 0) elif type(inp[0]) == np.ndarray: new_t = pad_tensor([torch.from_numpy(x) for x in inp]) ret = torch.stack(new_t, 0) elif type(inp[0]) == ret = elif type(inp[0]) == str: ret = inp elif type(inp[0]) == tuple: ret = inp else: raise ValueError('Cannot handle type {}'.format(type(inp[0]))) return ret ret = stack(data) # compute CPU-intensive Kronecker product here to leverage multi-processing nature of dataloader if 'Gs' in ret and 'Hs' in ret: if cfg.PROBLEM.TYPE == '2GM' and len(ret['Gs']) == 2 and len(ret['Hs']) == 2: G1, G2 = ret['Gs'] H1, H2 = ret['Hs'] if cfg.FP16: sparse_dtype = np.float16 else: sparse_dtype = np.float32 if G1.shape[0] > 1: KGHs_sparse = [] for b in range(G1.shape[0]): K1G = [kronecker_sparse(x, y).astype(sparse_dtype) for x, y in zip(G2[b].unsqueeze(0), G1[b].unsqueeze(0))] # 1 as source graph, 2 as target graph K1H = [kronecker_sparse(x, y).astype(sparse_dtype) for x, y in zip(H2[b].unsqueeze(0), H1[b].unsqueeze(0))] # if 'NGM' in cfg and cfg.NGM.SPARSE_MODEL: K1G_sparse = CSCMatrix3d(K1G) K1H_sparse = CSCMatrix3d(K1H).transpose() KGHs_sparse.append((K1G_sparse.indices, K1H_sparse.indices)) ret['KGHs_sparse'] = KGHs_sparse else: K1G = [kronecker_sparse(x, y).astype(sparse_dtype) for x, y in zip(G2, G1)] # 1 as source graph, 2 as target graph K1H = [kronecker_sparse(x, y).astype(sparse_dtype) for x, y in zip(H2, H1)] # if 'NGM' in cfg and cfg.NGM.SPARSE_MODEL: K1G_sparse = CSCMatrix3d(K1G) K1H_sparse = CSCMatrix3d(K1H).transpose() ret['KGHs_sparse'] = [(K1G_sparse.indices, K1H_sparse.indices)] # else: K1G = [kronecker_sparse(x, y).astype(sparse_dtype) for x, y in zip(G2, G1)] # 1 as source graph, 2 as target graph K1H = [kronecker_sparse(x, y).astype(sparse_dtype) for x, y in zip(H2, H1)] K1G = CSRMatrix3d(K1G) K1H = CSRMatrix3d(K1H).transpose() ret['KGHs'] = K1G, K1H elif cfg.PROBLEM.TYPE in ['MGM', 'MGM3'] and 'Gs_tgt' in ret and 'Hs_tgt' in ret: ret['KGHs'] = dict() for idx_1, idx_2 in product(range(len(ret['Gs'])), repeat=2): # 1 as source graph, 2 as target graph G1 = ret['Gs'][idx_1] H1 = ret['Hs'][idx_1] G2 = ret['Gs_tgt'][idx_2] H2 = ret['Hs_tgt'][idx_2] if cfg.FP16: sparse_dtype = np.float16 else: sparse_dtype = np.float32 KG = [kronecker_sparse(x, y).astype(sparse_dtype) for x, y in zip(G2, G1)] KH = [kronecker_sparse(x, y).astype(sparse_dtype) for x, y in zip(H2, H1)] KG = CSRMatrix3d(KG) KH = CSRMatrix3d(KH).transpose() ret['KGHs']['{},{}'.format(idx_1, idx_2)] = KG, KH else: raise ValueError('Data type not understood.') if 'Fi' in ret and 'Fj' in ret: Fi = ret['Fi'] Fj = ret['Fj'] aff_mat = kronecker_torch(Fj, Fi) ret['aff_mat'] = aff_mat ret['batch_size'] = len(data) ret['univ_size'] = torch.tensor([max(*[item[b] for item in ret['univ_size']]) for b in range(ret['batch_size'])]) for v in ret.values(): if type(v) is list: ret['num_graphs'] = len(v) break return ret
[docs]def worker_init_fix(worker_id): """ Init dataloader workers with fixed seed. """ random.seed(cfg.RANDOM_SEED + worker_id) np.random.seed(cfg.RANDOM_SEED + worker_id)
[docs]def worker_init_rand(worker_id): """ Init dataloader workers with torch.initial_seed(). torch.initial_seed() returns different seeds when called from different dataloader threads. """ random.seed(torch.initial_seed()) np.random.seed(torch.initial_seed() % 2 ** 32)
[docs]def get_dataloader(dataset, fix_seed=True, shuffle=False): return dataset, batch_size=cfg.BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=shuffle, num_workers=cfg.DATALOADER_NUM, collate_fn=collate_fn, pin_memory=False, worker_init_fn=worker_init_fix if fix_seed else worker_init_rand )