Source code for src.utils.config

"""Graph matching config system.

This file specifies default config options for Fast R-CNN. You should not
change values in this file. Instead, you should write a config file (in yaml)
and use cfg_from_file(yaml_file) to load it and override the default options.

Most tools in $ROOT/tools take a --cfg option to specify an override file.
    - See tools/{train,test} for example code that uses cfg_from_file()
    - See experiments/cfgs/*.yml for example YAML config override files

import os
from easydict import EasyDict as edict
import numpy as np
import importlib
import src.dataset

__C = edict()
# Consumers can get config by:
#   from config import cfg
cfg = __C

# Minibatch size

# Problem settings. Set these parameters the same for fair comparison.
__C.PROBLEM = edict()

# Problem type.
# Candidates can be '2GM' (two graph matching), 'MGM' (multi-graph matching), 'MGMC' (multi-graph matching and clustering)

# If UNSUPERVISED==True, ground truth permutations will not be provided during training.

# Rescaled image size
__C.PROBLEM.RESCALE = (256, 256)

# Do not include the problem if n_1 x n_2 > MAX_PROB_SIZE. -1 for no filtering

# Allow outlier in source graph. Useful for 2GM

# Allow outlier in target graph. Useful for 2GM

# Number of graphs in a MGM/MGMC problem. Useful for MGM & MGMC

# Number of clusters in MGMC problem. Useful for MGMC

# During testing, jointly match all graphs from the same class. Useful for MGM & MGMC

# During training, jointly match all graphs from the same class. Useful for MGM & MGMC

# Shape of candidates, useful for the setting in Zanfir et al CVPR2018

# Graph construction settings.
__C.GRAPH = edict()

# The ways of constructing source graph/target graph.
# Candidates can be 'tri' (Delaunay triangulation), 'fc' (Fully-connected)

# Build a symmetric adjacency matrix, else only the upper right triangle of adjacency matrix will be filled

# Padding length on number of keypoints for batched operation

# Training options

__C.TRAIN = edict()

# Iterations per epochs

# Training start epoch. If not 0, will be resumed from checkpoint.

# Total epochs

# Optimizer type

# Start learning rate
__C.TRAIN.LR = 0.01

# Use separate learning rate for the CNN backbone

# Start learning rate for backbone

# Learning rate decay

# Learning rate decay step (in epochs)
__C.TRAIN.LR_STEP = [10, 20]

# SGD momentum

# RobustLoss normalization

# Specify a class for training
__C.TRAIN.CLASS = 'none'

# Loss function. Should be 'offset' or 'perm'
__C.TRAIN.LOSS_FUNC = 'perm'

# Evaluation options

__C.EVAL = edict()

# Evaluation epoch number

# PCK metric (deprecated)
#__C.EVAL.PCK_L = float(max(__C.PROBLEM.RESCALE))  # PCK reference.

# Number of samples for testing. Stands for number of image pairs in each classes (VOC)

# Evaluated classes
__C.EVAL.CLASS = 'all'


# name of backbone net
__C.BACKBONE = 'VGG16_bn'

# Parallel GPU indices ([0] for single GPU)
__C.GPUS = [0]

# num of dataloader processes

# path to load pretrained model weights

# Mean and std to normalize images
__C.NORM_MEANS = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
__C.NORM_STD = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]

# Data cache path
__C.CACHE_PATH = 'data/cache'

# Model name and dataset name

# Module path of module
__C.MODULE = ''

# Output path (for checkpoints, running logs)

# The step of iteration to print running statistics.
# The real step value will be the least common multiple of this value and batch_size

# random seed used for data loading

# enable fp16 instead of fp32 in the model (via nvidia/apex)
__C.FP16 = False

[docs]def lcm(x, y): """ Compute the least common multiple of x and y. This function is used for running statistics. """ greater = max(x, y) while True: if (greater % x == 0) and (greater % y == 0): lcm = greater break greater += 1 return lcm
[docs]def get_output_dir(model, dataset): """ Return the directory where experimental artifacts are placed. :param model: model name :param dataset: dataset name :return: output path (checkpoint and log) """ outp_path = os.path.join('output', '{}_{}'.format(model, dataset)) return outp_path
def _merge_a_into_b(a, b): """Merge config dictionary a into config dictionary b, clobbering the options in b whenever they are also specified in a. """ if type(a) is not edict: return for k, v in a.items(): # a must specify keys that are in b if k not in b: raise KeyError('{} is not a valid config key'.format(k)) # the types must match, too if type(b[k]) is not type(v): if type(b[k]) is float and type(v) is int: v = float(v) else: if not k in ['CLASS']: raise ValueError('Type mismatch ({} vs. {}) for config key: {}'.format(type(b[k]), type(v), k)) # recursively merge dicts if type(v) is edict: try: _merge_a_into_b(a[k], b[k]) except: print('Error under config key: {}'.format(k)) raise else: b[k] = v
[docs]def cfg_from_file(filename): """Load a config file and merge it into the default options.""" import yaml with open(filename, 'r') as f: yaml_cfg = edict(yaml.full_load(f)) if 'MODULE' in yaml_cfg and yaml_cfg.MODULE not in __C: model_cfg_module = '.'.join(yaml_cfg.MODULE.split('.')[:-1] + ['model_config']) mod = importlib.import_module(model_cfg_module) __C.update(mod.model_cfg) if 'DATASET_FULL_NAME' in yaml_cfg and yaml_cfg.DATASET_FULL_NAME not in __C: __C[yaml_cfg.DATASET_FULL_NAME] = src.dataset.dataset_cfg[yaml_cfg.DATASET_FULL_NAME] _merge_a_into_b(yaml_cfg, __C)
[docs]def cfg_from_list(cfg_list): """Set config keys via list (e.g., from command line).""" from ast import literal_eval assert len(cfg_list) % 2 == 0 for k, v in zip(cfg_list[0::2], cfg_list[1::2]): key_list = k.split('.') d = __C for subkey in key_list[:-1]: assert subkey in d.keys() d = d[subkey] subkey = key_list[-1] assert subkey in d.keys() try: value = literal_eval(v) except: # handle the case when v is a string literal value = v assert type(value) == type(d[subkey]), \ 'type {} does not match original type {}'.format( type(value), type(d[subkey])) d[subkey] = value