Source code for src.dataset.cub2011

import os
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import random

from src.dataset.base_dataset import BaseDataset
from src.utils.config import cfg

[docs]class CUB2011(BaseDataset): """Data loader for CUB-2011 dataset. Follows train/test split and pair annotations as given by the dataset. Please make sure to configure a correct `cfg.CUB2011.ROOT_PATH` to make use of this class. Additionally, please note that UCN is evaluated on cleaned up test pairs as provided by WarpNet. Please refer to `CUB2011DB_WarpNetTest` class for details. This class is modified from UCN implementation of CUB2011. """ def __init__(self, sets, obj_resize): self.set_data = {'train': [], 'test': []} self.classes = [] self._set_pairs = {} self._set_mask = {} rootpath = cfg.CUB2011.ROOT_PATH with open(os.path.join(rootpath, 'images.txt')) as f: self.im2fn = dict(l.rstrip('\n').split() for l in f.readlines()) with open(os.path.join(rootpath, 'train_test_split.txt')) as f: train_split = dict(l.rstrip('\n').split() for l in f.readlines()) with open(os.path.join(rootpath, 'classes.txt')) as f: classes = dict(l.rstrip('\n').split() for l in f.readlines()) with open(os.path.join(rootpath, 'image_class_labels.txt')) as f: img2class = [l.rstrip('\n').split() for l in f.readlines()] img_idxs, class_idxs = map(list, zip(*img2class)) class2img = lists2dict(class_idxs, img_idxs) with open(os.path.join(rootpath, 'parts', 'part_locs.txt')) as f: part_locs = [l.rstrip('\n').split() for l in f.readlines()] fi, pi, x, y, v = map(list, zip(*part_locs)) self.im2kpts = lists2dict(fi, zip(pi, x, y, v)) with open(os.path.join(rootpath, 'bounding_boxes.txt')) as f: bboxes = [l.rstrip('\n').split() for l in f.readlines()] ii, x, y, w, h = map(list, zip(*bboxes)) self.im2bbox = dict(zip(ii, zip(x, y, w, h))) if cfg.CUB2011.CLASS_SPLIT == 'ori': for class_idx in sorted(classes): self.classes.append(classes[class_idx]) train_set = [] test_set = [] for img_idx in class2img[class_idx]: if train_split[img_idx] == '1': train_set.append(img_idx) else: test_set.append(img_idx) self.set_data['train'].append(train_set) self.set_data['test'].append(test_set) elif cfg.CUB2011.CLASS_SPLIT == 'sup': super_classes = [v.split('_')[-1] for v in classes.values()] self.classes = list(set(super_classes)) for cls in self.classes: self.set_data['train'].append([]) self.set_data['test'].append([]) for class_idx in sorted(classes): supcls_idx = self.classes.index(classes[class_idx].split('_')[-1]) train_set = [] test_set = [] for img_idx in class2img[class_idx]: if train_split[img_idx] == '1': train_set.append(img_idx) else: test_set.append(img_idx) self.set_data['train'][supcls_idx] += train_set self.set_data['test'][supcls_idx] += test_set elif cfg.CUB2011.CLASS_SPLIT == 'all': self.classes.append('cub2011') self.set_data['train'].append([]) self.set_data['test'].append([]) for class_idx in sorted(classes): train_set = [] test_set = [] for img_idx in class2img[class_idx]: if train_split[img_idx] == '1': train_set.append(img_idx) else: test_set.append(img_idx) self.set_data['train'][0] += train_set self.set_data['test'][0] += test_set else: raise ValueError('Unknown CUB2011.CLASS_SPLIT {}'.format(cfg.CUB2011.CLASS_SPLIT)) self.sets = sets self.obj_resize = obj_resize super(CUB2011, self).__init__()
[docs] def get_imgname(self, data): return os.path.join(cfg.CUB2011.ROOT_PATH, 'images', self.im2fn[data])
[docs] def get_meta(self, data): pi, x, y, v = map(list, zip(*self.im2kpts[data])) order = np.argsort(np.array(pi).astype(int)) keypts = np.array([np.array(x).astype('float')[order], np.array(y).astype('float')[order]]) visible = np.array(v).astype('uint8')[order] bbox = np.array(self.im2bbox[data]).astype(float) return keypts, visible, bbox
[docs] def get_pair(self, cls=None, shuffle=True, tgt_outlier=False, src_outlier=False): """ Randomly get a pair of objects from CUB-2011 :param cls: None for random class, or specify for a certain set :param shuffle: random shuffle the keypoints :param tgt_outlier: allow outlier exist in target graph :param src_outlier: allow outlier exist in source graph :return: (pair of data, groundtruth permutation matrix) """ assert self.sets in self.set_data.keys() if cls is None: cls = random.randrange(0, len(self.classes)) elif type(cls) == str: cls = self.classes.index(cls) assert type(cls) == int and 0 <= cls < len(self.classes) anno_pair = [] for img_name in random.sample(self.set_data[self.sets][cls], 2): anno_dict = self.__get_anno_dict(img_name, cls) if shuffle: random.shuffle(anno_dict['keypoints']) anno_pair.append(anno_dict) perm_mat = np.zeros([len(_['keypoints']) for _ in anno_pair], dtype=np.float32) row_list = [] col_list = [] for i, keypoint in enumerate(anno_pair[0]['keypoints']): for j, _keypoint in enumerate(anno_pair[1]['keypoints']): if keypoint['name'] == _keypoint['name']: perm_mat[i, j] = 1 row_list.append(i) col_list.append(j) break row_list.sort() col_list.sort() if not src_outlier: perm_mat = perm_mat[row_list, :] anno_pair[0]['keypoints'] = [anno_pair[0]['keypoints'][i] for i in row_list] if not tgt_outlier: perm_mat = perm_mat[:, col_list] anno_pair[1]['keypoints'] = [anno_pair[1]['keypoints'][j] for j in col_list] if perm_mat.shape[0] > perm_mat.shape[1]: anno_pair = anno_pair[::-1] perm_mat = perm_mat.transpose() return anno_pair, perm_mat
[docs] def get_multi(self, cls=None, num=2, shuffle=True, filter_outlier=False): """ Randomly get multiple objects from CUB2011 dataset for multi-matching. :param cls: None for random class, or specify for a certain set :param num: number of objects to be fetched :param shuffle: random shuffle the keypoints :param filter_outlier: filter out outlier keypoints among images :return: (list of data, list of permutation matrices to the universe) """ assert not filter_outlier, 'Multi-matching on CUB2011 dataset with filtered outliers is not supported' if cls is None: cls = random.randrange(0, len(self.classes)) elif type(cls) == str: cls = self.classes.index(cls) assert type(cls) == int and 0 <= cls < len(self.classes) anno_list = [] for xml_name in random.sample(self.set_data[self.sets][cls], num): anno_dict = self.__get_anno_dict(xml_name, cls) if shuffle: random.shuffle(anno_dict['keypoints']) anno_list.append(anno_dict) max_kpt_idx = max([max([x['name'] for x in anno_dict['keypoints']]) for anno_dict in anno_list]) + 1 perm_mat = [np.zeros([max_kpt_idx, len(x['keypoints'])], dtype=np.float32) for x in anno_list] for k, anno_dict in enumerate(anno_list): kpt_name_list = [x['name'] for x in anno_dict['keypoints']] for j, name in enumerate(kpt_name_list): perm_mat[k][name, j] = 1 for k in range(num): perm_mat[k] = perm_mat[k].transpose() return anno_list, perm_mat
def __get_anno_dict(self, img_name, cls): keypts, visible, bbox = self.get_meta(img_name) xmin, ymin, w, h = bbox img_file = self.get_imgname(img_name) with as img: ori_sizes = img.size try: obj = img.resize(self.obj_resize, resample=Image.BICUBIC, box=(xmin, ymin, xmin + w, ymin + h)) except ValueError: xmin, xmax = np.clip((xmin, xmin + w), 0, img.size[0]) ymin, ymax = np.clip((ymin, ymin + w), 0, img.size[1]) obj = img.resize(self.obj_resize, resample=Image.BICUBIC, box=(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)) if not obj.mode == 'RGB': obj = obj.convert('RGB') keypoint_list = [] for keypt_idx in range(keypts.shape[1]): if visible[keypt_idx]: attr = dict() attr['x'] = (keypts[0, keypt_idx] - xmin) * self.obj_resize[0] / w attr['y'] = (keypts[1, keypt_idx] - ymin) * self.obj_resize[1] / h attr['name'] = keypt_idx keypoint_list.append(attr) anno_dict = dict() anno_dict['image'] = obj anno_dict['keypoints'] = keypoint_list anno_dict['bounds'] = xmin, ymin, w, h anno_dict['ori_sizes'] = ori_sizes anno_dict['cls'] = self.classes[cls] anno_dict['univ_size'] = 15 return anno_dict
[docs] def len(self, cls): if type(cls) == str: cls = self.classes.index(cls) assert type(cls) == int and 0 <= cls < len(self.classes) return len(self.set_data[self.sets][cls])
[docs]def lists2dict(keys, vals): ans = {} for idx, val_i in enumerate(vals): if keys[idx] in ans: ans[keys[idx]].append(val_i) else: ans[keys[idx]] = [val_i] return ans